Tell me more about digital transformation

Digital Transformation in 2019

Digital Transformation & what it means for AEC & Real Estate

Digital transformation represents the introduction of technology across all areas of an organization, as well as a fundamental change in how a business operates and how it creates customer experiences.

Throughout history, many companies failed to innovate at a critical moment and fell behind the competition. Arguably Digital Transformation is a moment in history where companies need to decide how their future might look.

It says volumes that 65% of companies are already either managing a Digital Transformation program or are planning to start one in the next 12 months.

In this Ebook, we explore the key topics appearing in every AEC and Real Estate technology strategy: digital transformation, AI, Martech, digital culture, and Digital Asset Management (DAM).

In this Ebook we'll run through

Digital Transformation

 Key drivers across firms  

 Broad strategic priorities


 The global trend 

 Digital transformation impact

Artificial Intelligence

 AI in MarTech

 AI driving digital transformation

Digital Asset Management 

 The benefits of DAM 

 How AI is shaping DAM

Digital Culture

What is Digital Culture

Communicating Change

Digital transformation in AEC and Real Estate

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